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Wasted Years

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 19.07.2012

Don't recognize me, do you?
We're sitting face to face.
Your mind is in another time
and in another place.

I saw that when your eyes met mine
and still you seemed unmoved.
You don't recall this face at all,
the one you'd said you'd loved.

The bats are in the belfry
and now you're on your own.
The lights are shining brightly
but there's nobody home.
But time has gone so quickly now
and nothing can replace
all these wasted years.

Your friends don't come around here,
the way they used to do,
where once there were so many
and now there are so few.
But time has gone so quickly now
and nothing can replace
all these wasted years.

Is that a smile upon your face?
You seem to be confused
by all these kindly strangers
who come to visit you.

The flowers on the table,
the pictures on the wall,
I thought it could be different,
but now I'm not so sure.

The bats are in the belfry
and now you're on your own.
The lights are shining brightly
but there's nobody home.
But time has gone so quickly now
and nothing can replace
all these wasted years.

Your friends don't come around here,
the way they used to do,
where once there were so many
and now there are so few.
But time has gone so quickly now
and nothing can replace
all these wasted years.

They tell me that you're much improved,
but they can't tell me why.
I've talked and talked for hours
and still there's no reply.

Похожие новости.



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