The Time Of Our Lives
Seems like were holding on forever
I gotta let it go
Times up, you pushed me to surrender
Who knows what happens now whatever
Where ever the wind blows
And I'm there as long as were together,
Let's have the time of our lives
Like there's no one else around
Just throw your hands up high
Even when they try to take us down
We'll have the time of our lives
Till the lights burn out
Let's laugh until we cry
Life is only what you make it now
Let have the time of our lives
Dreamers don't care if it's right
I think I'm really into you
Best left, let's leave it all behind
Crazy when you cross my mind
All the trouble we could get into
So what, let's just give this a try,
Let's have the time of our lives
Like there's no one else around
Just throw your hands up high
Even when they try to take us down
We'll have the time of our lives
Till the lights burn out
Let's laugh until we cry
Life is only what you make it now
Lets have the time of our lives
Looking back
What are we waiting for
Take that chance now's all we've got for sure
Let's have the time of our lives
Like there's no one else around
Just throw your hands up high
Even when they try to take us down
We'll have the time of our lives
Till the lights burn out
Let's laugh until we cry
Life is only what you make it now
Lets have the time of our lives
Похожие новости.

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she said "my name is kitty and i've got to sell dreams and a pocket full of lies dreams and a pocket full of lies" she said "my name is kitty and i've got to sell dreams and

Go Go Go Go Я наливаю себе стакан пива А потом ещё сто грамм спирта Можно ещё виски и вино что бы Всё видеть криво сегодня день хороший И я прекрасный парень моя душа поёт Ведь

Миссия Невыполнима
Наше свидание, как спецзадание, Только желание победить. Ты понимаешь, что только признание Нам расстояние сократит. Через минуту пилот повернет на юг, И над землёй 7000 метров. Ты мой любовник, герой, А не просто друг, Но я не верю

Блюз Для Всіх
Ще не вмерло те, що взагалі-то мало б, Буде ще останній гріх. Плач, Україно, все так невдало, Радіохвилі б’ються з-під ніг. І ти спокійно засинаєш, Як о дванадцятій вночі лунає Для своїх і для чужих Для нас, Для

Taking It To The Top
Every now and then I hear a song I used to know, Playing late at night on radio, And I remember when the schooldays finally had to end, We were neatly wrapped and