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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 20.07.2012

Oh, Oh ,yeah..
You're so bright
Like a dream
You burn up
We might, make a scene
Ignite gasoline

When the music goes up
And the sun goes down
Lighting strikes
And I'm on the ground
Only one that I want around


And it's like gasoline
I start, but I'm like a machine
My heart only runs on supreme
So hot, give me your gasoline

You set me on fire
You set me on fire
You set me on fire


You set me on fire
You set me on fire
You set me on fire

Heat wave
On the floor
Escape, exit door
Your touch, burning me
It's too much, gasoline

When the music goes up
And the sun goes down
Lighting strikes
And I'm on the ground
Only one that I want around


And it's like gasoline
I start, but I'm like a machine
My heart only runs on supreme
So hot, give me your gasoline

You set me on fire
You set me on fire
You set me on fire


You set me on fire
You set me on fire
You set me on fire

Damn boy,
What you do to me?
You set me on FIRE!

Oh oh oh oh oh

And it's like gasoline
I start, but I'm like a machine
My heart only runs on supreme
So hot, give me your gasoline

You set me on fire
You set me on fire
You set me on fire


You set me on fire
You set me on fire
You set me on fire

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