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Being Green

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 31.07.2012

One day, as I was walking through my garden, I saw a little frog lying on the ground. And I thought he was sick. So I picked him up and he wasn't sick at all. He was very sad, and he was crying. And I said: What's a matter with you, little frog? And he looked up at me with a lump in his throat, and he said: wribbit!

It ain't easy being green
Having to spend each day the color of the leaves
When I think, I think it would be nicer being red
Or yellow or gold

You see, it ain't easy being green
It seems to blend in with so many other ordinary things
And then, sometimes, sometimes people pass over you
Because you're not standing out like sparkles on the water
Or like the stars in the sky

But did you know that green is the color of Spring
And green can be big like an ocean
And important like a mountain
And cool and friendly-like
Or tall and skinny like a tree
And me

But when green is all there is to be
It kind of makes you wonder why
Why wonder, wonder why?
Hey, I'm green and I think it'll do fine
'Cause green is just what I wanna be
'Cause green is beautiful, baby
Right on green
And anyway, money's green


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