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Mirror, Mirror

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 06.09.2012

Mirror, mirror on the wall
You said you had the answer to it all
You never told me I'd take the fall
Mirror, mirror on the wall

(You) you turned my life
Into a paperback novel
Words that came to life
Inside your little melodrama

(Chapter one)
When I was young
I came to you with my problems
(Chapter two)
You promised me love
And anything that I desired

Tell me mirror, mirror, mirror
On the wall
Thought you said
You had the answer to it all
You never told me
I was gonna take a fall
Tell me mirror, mirror
Mirror on the wall

You, have nailed my heart
Upon the wall for your pleasure
You, have cast a spell
That cannot ever be broken
And now my eyes grow tired
I watch my picture getting older
But I remain the same
Trapped in this mirror forever

Tell me mirror, mirror, mirror
On the wall
Thought you said
You had the answer to it all
You never told me
I was gonna take a fall
Tell me mirror, mirror
Mirror on the wall

I talk to you each night
And I follow your advice
You've been wrong
What's the price I have to pay
For this fairy tale thing called love
Let me go

Tell me mirror, mirror, mirror
On the wall
Thought you said
You had the answer to it all
You never told me
I was gonna take a fall
Tell me mirror, mirror, mirror
On the wall

Mirror, mirror

Tell me mirror, mirror
On the wall
Thought you said
You had the answer to it all
You never told me
I was gonna take a fall
Tell me mirror, mirror, mirror
On the wall
Tell me mirror
Tell me mirror

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