George looks gorgeous in pinstripes,
pocket handkerchief and cravat,
swaggering out of the Band On The
Wall in a burgundy Homberg hat,
singing "Ratatatay, ratatatay!" George
after-hours and the worse for whisky
when somebody shouts "Hey, you!" in
a pitch-black Manchester backstreet
... well, what's a poor singer to do but
sing "Ratatatay, ratatatay"? Two men
flashing a knife blade, saying "give us
your notes and your watch" - Singing
the backstreet stand-off to the rhythm
of the fear and the scotch. George, not
wanting to feel the knife, cornered
and speeding and scared ... from the
back of his mind comes 'Ursonate',
Sound and fury and words. He sings:
"Ratatatay, ratatatay!" So the robbers
are stuck to the spot now, watching
George as he sings for his life. Menace
turns to panic and they turn and run
and the song waves goodbye to the
knife - singing "Ratatatay, ratatatay!"
Похожие новости.
Sick Of You
You know fairy tales don't come true Not when it comes to you Open up for the first time And you can bet that it's the last time And I'm cool with laying low It's
Затанцював вишневий сад (Гроза, гроза ішла!), І закружляв пелюсткопад На тридцять три крила. І дальні далі підняло – І враз – удар! Удар! І закружляло темне тло Блакитно-сивих хмар. І день побіг, побіг назад, І опустилась вись. Махав руками білий
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Берег Мой
Муз: И.Резник Сл. И.Резник Берег мой, берег твой, между нами речка. Берег мой, берег твой, между нами ночь. Берег мой, берег твой, так болит сердечко, Что никто, что никто не сможет мне помочь. Ах
No More Trains To Ride
I was raised in Santa Fe Reefer in little California town Three door down from the railroad track Where they set the old boxcar down. Born the son of a railroad man Who rode 'em