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Candy Bling

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 25.07.2012

I still remember
That hazy September
I've been waiting for somebody like you
To come back around

We would walk in the park
Every Saturday
Brand new
All in love
Kissing time away
You was all up on me
It was plain to see
That I was your girl
Way back when it was the simple thing
Anklets, Nameplates
That you gave to me
Sweet tarts, Ring pops, and that candy bling
And you were my world

Now I wish I could go back and make time stop
I would take this love throwback from the top
Go DJ play my song
And Imma think about you all night long

Back in the days we were in love
Were not in love anymore
But somedays
I sit and wish we was in love again
Back in the days we were in love
Were not in love anymore
But somedays
I sit and wish we was in love again

It was personal things we would do
Things we were to
Fall asleep on the phone and skippin school
Now I'm back to the future missing you

My sweet baby
My sweet thang
Like candy
Felt like real love
Not just play play
Missing you
My sweet baby

It was everything that I could do
To stay awake
And I often reminisce
About the games we played
It was Tag, Chess, Spin The Bottle
Then butterflies would last till tomorrow
Then the lights came on
I had to run right home

And now I wish I
Could go back and make time stop
And I would take this love throwback from the top
Go DJ play my song
And Imma think about you all night long

Back in the days we were in love
We're not in love anymore
But somedays
I sit and wish we was in love again
Back in the days we were in love
We're not in love anymore
But somedays
I still wishing we was in love again

It was personal things we would do
Things we were to
Fall asleep on the phone and skippin school
Now I'm back to the future missing you

My sweet baby
My sweet thang
Like candy
Felt like real love
Not just play play
Missing you
My sweet baby

Imma see mimi
Felt the need to change me
Butterfly flow
Like Mohamed Ali
Wish I can bring you back
Like the O.D.B
Thinkin bout the world
Plus me you and Jack
No mather what I do
Well the memories are stacked
Thinkin 10th grade
Thinkin bout eleven
When you went doggy fresh
All the way to heaven heaven heaven

Back in the days we were in love
We're not in love anymore
But somedays
I sit and wish we was in love again
Back in the days we were in love
We're not in love anymore
But somedays
I still wishing we was in love again

It was personal things we would do
Things we were to
Fall asleep on the phone and skippin school
Now I'm back to the future missing you

My sweet baby
My sweet thang
Like candy
Felt like real love
Not just play play
Missing you
My sweet baby

Похожие новости.

Ті, Що Танцюють На Голов

Ті, Що Танцюють На Голов

Чи танцюють на голові, чи тримають небо на долонях Чи танцюють на голові, чи тримають небо на долонях Чи танцюють на головах, чи тримають небо на долонях Чи танцюють на головах, чи тримають

Another Song

Another Song

[Z-Ro talking:] Hold up let me hit my Hypnotic Record. Aight you rollin'? I'd just like to take a minute to apologize to my listeners. I just wanna say I'm sorry for not havin'

Задеть За Живое

Задеть За Живое

Пока я жив, Я держу тебя под прицелом - Выбора нет. Я много раз представлял Обведённым мелом Мой силуэт. И в каждом встречном лице Я ищу напрасно Знакомые черты, Пусть для меня Самой ценной и опасной Окажешься ты... Память... Терять маяки, Любовь без огня, Победа



Слова вириваються з горла, Мене розривають на клапті. Я не пручатимусь довго, Якщо ці слова чогось варті. Та хлопці, у штанях широких, В яскравих великих регланах, Кричать, розбиваючи спокій, Що реп я читаю погано. Ну, вибачте, я вам

Ради Чего?

Ради Чего?

Свет свечи, дрожит, на голой стене. Тень моя, скользит на встречу судьбе. Может быть еще успеешь меня остановить. Может быть еще успеешь сказать: «Стой, тебе не стоит уходить». Припев: Пульс есть, бьётся сердце в

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