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Note To God

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 11.06.2012

If I wrote a note to God
I would speak what's in my soul
I'd ask for all the hate to be swept away
For love to overflow

If I wrote a note to God
I'd pour my heart out on each page
I'd ask for war to end and for peace to mend this world
I'd say, I'd say

I'd say give us the strength to make it through
Help us find love 'cause love is overdue
And it seems like so much is going wrong
On this road we're on

If I wrote a note to God
I'd say please help us find a way
End all the bitterness, put some tenderness in our hearts
I'd say, I'd say

I'd say give us the strength to make it through
Help us find love 'cause love is overdue
And it looks like we haven't got a clue
Need some help from you

Grant us the faith to carry on
Give us hope when it seems all hope is gone
'Cause it seems like so much is going wrong
On this road we're on

No, no
We can't do it on our own!
So, so

Give us the strength to make it through
Help us find love 'cause love is overdue
And it looks like we haven't got a clue
Need some help from you

Grant us the faith to carry on
Give us hope when it seems all hope is gone
'Cause it seems like so much is going wrong
On this road we're on

No, no
We can't do it on our own!
So, so

If I wrote a note to God

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