Everybody wants to be a showman
Yeah they all got another one
Everybody thinks they got a genius
Everybody got me on the run
Sometimes I think they come here
Just so you can say that you can
And I can't get alone in my bathroom
I need to give myself a hand
Ya'll cuh-cuh-cuh-creepin'
Creepin' underneath my skin
Fuck you and your flashbulbs
Snappin' my picture again
You just stole my whiskey
You stole all my smoke
And you're crowded all around me
Like I got nowhere to go
Eyes are gonna roll back
I'm here to kill
Time for you to go
I'm-a-gon' spill
It ain't yo fast train
I'll be the king runnin' near the wheel
I ain't lookin' to make no deals here no
You keep stickin' to me like a prickly porcupine
You're gettin' your information from the grocery checkout line
Are you through confessin' of your little girl obsession
'Cause I was only messin' and I had a little time
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Тебя увидел в окне: златые косы, глаза - агаты, Светилось тело как снег, как дорогая награда. Меня с ума свела, и этой ночью у окна Хочу, чтоб ты со мной была, была со