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When Christmas Comes

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 09.11.2012

The whole world
Feels a little bit more love
When Christmas comes
When Christmas comes

And everywhere that you go
People singing "Let It Snow"
And hanging up
That mistletoe

And me and you gonna have ourselves
A holiday
And we don't need nobody else
To celebrate
And we're gon' kiss our worries
And our cares away
I can't wait

Because this Christmas time
Get together
It's gonna be so nice
Better than ever
And baby you're the one
Special treasure
I can't wait to unwrap your love
Until Christmas comes

Oh baby...

So many souls hurt
So many don't have enough
When Christmas comes
When Christmas comes

But baby if you spread love
Someday it might be enough
To heal each other
One by one

And we gon' get together
And rejoice and pray
And we gon' help the world
Become a better place
And we gon' sing and shout
Because the savior reigns
So don't dismay

Because this Christmas time
Get together
It's gonna be so nice
Better than ever
Because this gift of love
Lasts forever
The Lord makes our hearts open up
Soon as Christmas comes

It's gon' be alright
When Christmas comes
Oh jingle all the way
Oh what fun, hmm

And we gon' reminisce about
The good old days
And we gon' laugh together as
The children play
And through the years is always
Gonna be this way
Come what may

Because this Christmas time
Get together
It's gonna be so nice
Better than ever
And baby you're the one
That I treasure
I can't wait to unwrap your love
When Christmas comes

Lalala dada dada dada dadada dada

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