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Make Believe

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 13.08.2012

I'm thinking of,
Thanking all the fucked people
Thanking all the shit I love,
They are all the things I've made
Straight from my heart,
Begging all the same people
Burning is the same evil
Some how making me feel sane

Waiting all this time
I've got nothing to hold on
But the faces of my life
I can see before I'm gone

Sometimes I feel it chasing me
All the hate that's breaking free
I realize I'm taking everything
And the shit seems to follow

This time I feel it taking me
To a place I hate to be
All along I sing to make believe
And the shit seems to follow

I'm thinking of,
Making all the fucked people
Making the bitches I love
Make them die and go away
Pain from the start
All my dreams are ripped apart
Thanking all the fucked people
They are all the things I've saved

Waiting all this time
I've got nothing to hold on
But the faces of my life
I can see before I'm gone

Sometimes I feel it chasing me
All the hate that's breaking free
I realize I'm taking everything
And the shit seems to follow

This time I feel it taking me
To a place I hate to be
All along I sing to make believe
And the shit seems to follow

Your Life (your life),
I hate (I hate) it, oh god
Can I replay (replay)?
Stop and help me. (stop and help me)

Sometimes I feel it chasing me
All the hate that's breaking free
I realize I'm taking everything
And the shit seems to follow

This time I feel it taking me
To a place I hate to be
All along I sing to make believe
And the shit seems to follow

The shit seems to follow (Shit seems to follow)
The shit seems to follow [x2]

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