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The Lonesome River

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 25.07.2012

(Ralph Stanley, Carter Stanley)

I sit here alone on the banks of the river
The lonseome wind blows and the water runs high
I can hear a voice call out there in the darkness
But I sit here alone too lonesome to cry

Oh the water rolls high on the river at midnight
I sit on the shore too grievin' to cry
The woman I love she left me this morning
With no-one to love or kiss me goodnight

We met there one night on the banks of the river
Sat there holdin' hands and makin' a vow
That we never would part and be happy together
But the new love she's found - she's gone with him now.

Oh the water rolls high on the river at midnight
I sit on the shore too grievin' to cry
The woman I love she left me this morning
With no-one to love or kiss me goodnight

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