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Red Cross Store

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 18.09.2012

I told her no!
Baby you know I don't wanna go
Justine I ain't goin'
Down to no Red Cross store

She come down Justine, tell me I wanna talk with you in just a little while
Ain't you goin' down and fight for your wife and child?
I told her no!
Baby you know I don't wanna go
Justine I ain't goin'
Down to no Red Cross store

She come down here and she shook my hand
She said, "Daddy I want you to go down there and fight for me like a man"
I told her no!
Baby you know I don't wanna go
Justine I ain't goin'
Down to no Red Cross store

She said the Red Cross people they treat you mighty fine
They mixing everything up with whiskey and wine
I told her no!
Baby you know I don't wanna go
Justine I ain't goin'
Down to no Red Cross store

She come down here talkin' to me about the war
I told her baby I ain't done nothing to go there for
I told her no!
Baby you know I don't wanna go
Justine I ain't goin'
Down to no Red Cross store

She come down here and she fell down on her knees
I said baby I have to look somewhere for your butter and cheese
I told her no!
Baby you know I don't wanna go
Justine I ain't goin'
Down to no Red Cross store

She said Daddy I just come down here to tell you so
You better go running down to that Red Cross store
I told her no!
Baby you know I don't wanna go
Justine I ain't goin'
Down to no Red Cross store

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