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Killing Time

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 15.08.2012

See that long line of people who keep standin' in the rain
Looking tired gettin' cold
And that signal light they waitin' for don't ever seem to change
Killing time ain't it slow

Watch them bending with the burden of the pennies that they save
Marking time growin' old
Slowly marchin' by the numbers to the freedom of the grave
Killing time ain't it slow

That's the closest thing to living that they're ever gonna know
And their good times ain't no better than their bad
Cause they think they need a signal light to tell 'em they can go
Killing time ain't it sad

[ guitar ]
Don't feel sorry for those people who keep standin' in the rain
They don't mind they don't know
Cause it never crossed their minds they got a reason to complain
Killing time ain't it slow

They're not haunted by the visions that they never dared to see
And they'll never miss the dreams they've never had
They're condemned to go on living in a penitentiary
For killing time ain't it sad

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