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Take Me Tip

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 03.10.2012

You think you're gonna please her so you walk right up and tease her
But she walks right on by
You're scared to walk beside her 'Cause you're playing with the spider who possess the sky
She got the green backs, my oh my
You gotta act tall, think big, if you wanna make a mark in her book
Gotta get ahead, get a car, fancy clothes or she'll throw you right off her hook
Here's the news you are but one fish in her back garden scene
Gonna make like a shark to be free
Something bad on your mind
Take my tip get on out
Take my tip get on out

You can't give all you got to take something back
Before she'll put you right up on her rack
With some others in mind
Take my tip get on out
Take my tip get on out

You think you're gonna please her so you walk right up and tease her
But she walks right on by
You're scared to walk beside her 'Cause you're playing with the tiger who possess the sky
She got the green backs, my oh my
You gotta act tall, think big, if you wanna make a mark in her book
Gotta get ahead, get a car, fancy clothes or she'll throw you right off her hook
Here's the news you are but one fish in her back garden scene
Gonna make like a shark to be free
Something bad on your mind
Get it off, take my tip
Get it off, take my tip

You can't give all you have to take something back
Before she'll put you right up on the rack
With some others in mind
Take my tip get on out
Take my tip get on out
Take my tip get on out
Take my tip get on out

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