Day In Day Out
Day-In Day-Out
Stay-In Fade-Out
Day-In Oo Oo
Day-Out Oo Oo Oo
She was born in a handbag
love left on a doorstep
What she lacks is a backup
nothing seems to make a dent
Gonna find her some money hone
try to pay her rent
That's the kind of protection everyone is shouting about
Day-In Day-Out
Stay-In Fade-Out
Day-In Oo Oo
Day-Out Oo Oo Oo
First thing she learns is she's a citizen,
some things they turn out right
When you're under the US
someone rings a bell and it's all over
She's going out her way
stealing for that one good rush
Day-In Day-Out
Stay-In Fade-Out
Day In Oo oo
Day Out Oo oo
She could use a little money
she's hangin' on his arms like a cheap suit
she's got no money, honey
she's on the other side
Oh come on little baby
late night, big town, police, shake down
Oo Oo
Oo Oo
Day-In Day-Out
Stay-In Fade-Out
Oo Oo
Oo Oo
Day-In Day-Out
Stay-In Fade-Out
She's got a ticket to nowhere
she's gonna take a train ride
Nobody knows her, or knows her name
she's in the pocket of a home boy
Oh she's gonna take her a shotgun Pow
spin the grail spin the drug
She's gonna make them well aware
she's an angry gal
Day-In Day-Out
Stay-In Fade-Out
There is angels everywhere
Certainty shoting her down
Shootin her with video-drugs-bullets and
Angels in a ton of sound
And there's
Day In
Day Out
You stay in
Or ya
You fade out
Fade out
You fade out
Fading out
Fade out
Fade out
Похожие новости.

Underneath The Same Moon
Shadows of the night Moving on the ground Like silent clouds They follow me around As I wander the dark Through the midnight mist Remembering our last kiss Do you know how much You're missed [Chorus:] Tonight I stand in

The Secret Life Of Arabia
The secret life of Arabia Secret secrets never seen Secret secrets ever green I was running at the speed of life Through morning's thoughts and fantasies Then I saw your eyes at the cross fades Secret

Не Свернуть (на огни)
Не свернуть на огни, Просто так не заглянуть. Как-нибудь позвони, Позвони мне как-нибудь. И в отсутствие начала Продолжение любое Ты, наверно, это знала на другом конце покоя. И пустая середина, Называемая мною, Как забытая причина, Прячет руки за спиною. Меньше двух И слова

Сердце Пополам
Первый куплет: Ты сегодня не со мной Мы грустим вдвоем Делим улицы пустые с проливным дождем. Все, о чем мечтаю я С тобою рядом быть: Сердце замерло, как будто, между нами

Слова вириваються з горла, Мене розривають на клапті. Я не пручатимусь довго, Якщо ці слова чогось варті. Та хлопці, у штанях широких, В яскравих великих регланах, Кричать, розбиваючи спокій, Що реп я читаю погано. Ну, вибачте, я вам