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The Last Song

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 31.07.2012

Here we are
Midair off of the cliff
Staring down at the end again
But then again maybe we’re finally
On the road that’s heading away from all your complaining
Of hearing the same song but baby we’ll hear it when I’m gone

It’s time to turn on the last song
The last song

What if you wasted love and our love in time disappeared
And the sad song ends up being the last song you’ll ever hear
It was ours
But I’d do it again holding hands with my friend again
But then again maybe we gave our all a song we’ll never forget
Maybe let them play it maybe it’ll save the world
They gonna miss her when it’s gone

But it’s time to turn up the last song
The last song

What if we left every moment that we could spare
And the perfect song will end up being the last song you’ll ever hear
You’ll never know when the songs gonna play
The last song you’ll hear is the one you made
This song was beautiful that’s why I started singing it
But this song is our song is playing until the end even if the last song

The last song
The last song
What if you wasted love and our love in time disappeared
And the perfect song ends up being the last song you’ll ever hear

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