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Keep It Right There

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 23.07.2012

Something about you makes me feel this way
Boy I wanna know what you're startin'
Baby you can relax as a matter of fact
There's a time for love and that time's now

Since the mood's right
I only wanna see you by the moonlight
While we make sweet love
By the starlight
Baby let me take control
Oh baby

Keep it right there
Keep it right there
Keep it right there
All night, baby all night

Keep it right there
Keep it right there
Keep it right there
All night, baby all night

Can you stay right here and you hold me tight
All through the night
Doesn't that sound real nice
If control could be taken, would you take control of me
And lead me to extacy

Since the mood's right
I only wanna see you by the moonlight
While we make sweet love
By the starlight
Baby let me take control
Oh baby

Keep it right there
Keep it right there
Keep it right there
Keep it there baby
All night, baby all night

Keep it right there
Keep it right there
Keep it right there
All night, baby all night

Keep it right there
Keep it right there
Keep it right there
All night, baby all night
Baby, keep it right there

Keep it right there
Keep it right there
Keep it right there
All night, baby all night

I've been waiting
Can't ignore what I feel inside my heart
I won't hold back I'll it go tonight
Gonna take control

Keep it right there
Keep it right there
Keep it right there
All night, baby all night

[repeat to fade]

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