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I’m Sorry

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 03.09.2012

I'm sorry, those were the two words that she told me, the lack of excuse
Is unfolding the truth to the what all went wrong
And I've got to, try and be strong when I see her walking along with him proudly
I still can't believe that shes gone

Lets take it back to when we were, too in love to be unsure, that
Forever's meant to be for us
A place for you and me,
Now I'm stuck with memories, that revive you're pure deceit, I just wish
I could forget you're smile

I'm sorry those were the two words that she told me, her lack of excuse
Is still holding, all the air in my lungs
And I'm not quite ready to say that I feel like ill be okay so just give
Some time for me to move on
Ill never understand so

Lets take it back to when we were, too in love to be unsure, that
Forever's meant to be, a place for you and me,
Now I'm stuck with memories, that revive you're pure deceit, I just wish
I could forget you're smile

I need a minute, another minute, I need some time, more time than I can
There goes that minute, and another minute, but time itself won't help
Me to forget
I'm not sorry anymore

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