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Gotta Get Me Some

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 06.07.2012

I went out on the town with a friend last weekend.
His ex girlfriend's friend was there alone.
She bought a couple rounds and I got the feeling, she could really handle alcohol.

Another one down and headed off the deep end.
The more we drank, the less that we had them.

And it turns out she's got everything I want, but all rolled into one.
She smokes a little home drown, drinks a little Cuervo.
Still a little down home, there was never a doubt.
She's got a fast car, hotter then a dance bar.
Looking like a rockstar, she'll be the talk of the town.

You know, she's got everything I want, but all rolled into one.
Gotta get me some.

God all mighty look at that body.
It looks like a sticker on a new Ferrari.
She's a scene from a bay watch rerun.
Hotter then a machine gun.

Well, she can get it lower then a Maserati.
Never seen somebody move that way.
Everywhere she goes theres an instant party.
Everybody wants to know her name.

And it turns out she's got everything I want, but all rolled into one.
She smokes a little home grown, drinks a little Cuervo.
Still a little down home, there was never a doubt.
She's got a fast car, hotter then a dance bar.
Looking like a rockstar, and she likes to go out and...

She likes to get her hands up.
Anything to stand on.
Anything to dance on.
She'd be swinging around.
Under the hot lights, underneath the spot light.
Even going all night.
She'll be the talk of the town.

You know, she's got everything I want, but all rolled into one.
Gotta get me some.

God all mighty look at that body.
It looks like a sticker on a new Ferrari.
She's a scene from a bay watch rerun.
Hotter then a machine gun.

And it turns out she's got everything I want, but all rolled into one.
She smokes a little home grown, drinks a little Cuervo.
Still a little down home, there was never a doubt.
She's got a fast car, hotter then a dance bar.
Looking like a rockstar, and she likes to go out and...

She likes to get her hands up.
Anything to stand on.
Anything to dance on.
She'd be swinging around.
Under the hot lights, underneath the spot light.
Even going all night.
She'll be the talk of the town.

You know, she's got everything I want, but all rolled into one.
Gotta get me some.

I gotta get me some.
Gotta get me some.

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