Saint Peter’s Gate
I was lost in the dark,
And the fear was in my heart,
All around me the forest and the rain,
Then with the flash of a light, I saw it in the night,
I must be getting near - Saint Peter's Gate!
When I went through the door, he was standing in the hall,
An old man with a beard of shining white,
He said "I've been expecting you, let me show you to your room",
And he took me all the way by candlelight,
And lying there on the bed, a book, black & red,
My name was written on the front in gold,
And when I opened it up, there were pictures of my life,
And a voice began to call from down below;
Nobody will get through, nobody,
Not even you, can escape the Judgement Day,
Nobody will be spared, Heaven is only there,
For the ones who satisfy them at - Saint Peter's Gate.
"Come with me" said that old man, as he took me by the hand
"There is someone here that you have seen before,
In this room on the left, a man who did his best,
To bring joy and happiness to one and all;
But in that room on the right, a dictator in life,
We've been waiting for him here,as you can tell,
For all the blood he's spilled,
And for all the ones he's killed,
We condemn him to eternity in hell;
Nobody will get through, Nobody,
Not even you, can escape the Judgement Day,
Nobody will be spared,Heaven is only there,
For the ones who satisfy them at - Saint Peter's Gate.
I woke up with the dawn, there was someone in my room,
A woman, like an angel all in white,
And then she told me "You must run, for your time has yet to come,
Go now, before they change their minds",
And from the window I saw,
A thousand or more,
Bringing that dictator to his knees,
And his cries broke the sound,
Of my footsteps on the ground,
As I made it to the safety of the trees:
Nobody will get through,
Nobody not even you,
Can escape the judgement day,
Nobody will be spared,
Heaven is only there,
For the ones who satisfy them at...
Saint Peters Gate.
Nobody will get through,
Nobody not even you,
Can escape the judgement day,
Nobody will be spared,
Heaven is only there,
For the ones who satisfy them at,
St Peters Gate.
Похожие новости.

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