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Don’t You Remember

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 05.09.2012

When will I see you again?
You left with no goodbye, not a single word was said
No final kiss to seal anything
I had no idea of the state we were in.

I know I have a fickle heart and bitterness
And a wandering eye, and a heaviness in my head

But don't you remember, don't you remember?
The reason you loved me before,
Baby please remember me once more.

When was the last time you thought of me?
Or have you completely erased me from your memories?
I often think about where I went wrong.
The more I do, the less I know.

But I know I have a fickle heart and bitterness
And a wandering eye, and a heaviness in my head.

But don't you remember, don't you remember?
The reason you loved me before,
Baby please remember me once more.


I gave you the space so you could breathe,
I kept my distance so you would be free,
And hope that you find the missing piece
To bring you back to me.

Why don't you remember, don't you remember?
The reason you loved me before,
Baby please remember me once more.

When will I see you again?

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