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Over When It’s Over

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 20.09.2012

It's over when it's over
Ain't it, baby, ain't it?
Rips ya like a dagger,
Can't it baby, Can't it
Wish we could do it over
Damn it, baby, Damn it
We had it in the air, we just couldn't land it

It's the first snap of the last straw,
Where regrets outlast the alcohol
It's a cold sweat, in an empty bed,
And dreams are like a knife,
When you're hanging by a thread
Ain't no "Maybe we can make it if we just play the right cards"

Now it's over when it's over
Ain't it, baby, ain't it?
Rips ya like a dagger,
Can't it baby, Can't it
Wish we could do it over
Damn it, baby, Damn it
We had it in the air, but just couldn't land it

It's a white flag,
It's a stop sign,
It's the last long drag, on a Marlboro light
It's a long night, beating up the past
Know when the first lie, is gonna hit you back
This ain't no gone for good drill,
Or no goodbye false alarm, it's over

Yeah it's over,
Yeah it's over.

There ain't no better way,
We could make it work
It's a blank page,
When you're outta words
Yeah it's a flat line,
It's a heart attack
Yeah it's too far gone, to be shocked back
It's a one way, with nowhere to turn
It's a no brakes, baby, crash and burn
Ain't no map gonna ever bring us back
From where we are

It's just over when it's over
Ain't it baby, Ain't it
Rip ya like a dagger,
Can't it baby, Can't it
Wish we could do it over
Damn it, baby, Damn it
We had it in the air, and just couldn't land it

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