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In The Shadows

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 30.10.2012

No sleep
No sleep until I'm done with finding the answer
Won't stop
Won't stop before I find a cure for this cancer
I feel like going down and so disconnected
I know that I am haunted to be wanted

I've been watching
I've been waiting
In the shadows all my time
I've been searching
I've been living
For tomorrows all my life

In the shadows
In the shadows

They say
That I must learn to kill before I can feel safe
But I
I'd rather kill myself than turn into their slave
I feel that I should go and play with the thunder
Somehow I just don't wanna stay and wait for a wonder

I've been watching
I've been waiting
In the shadows all my time
I've been searching
I've been living
For tomorrows all my life

Lately I've been walking, walking in circles.
watching, waiting for something
Feel me, touch me, heal me, come take me higher

I've been watching
I've been waiting
In the shadows all my time
I've been searching
I've been living
For tomorrow all my life
I've been watching
I've been waiting
I've been searching
I've been living
For tomorrows

In the shadows

In the shadows
I've been waiting

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