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Mother Mother

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 20.08.2012

Mother mother
Can you hear me
I'm just calling to say hello
How's the weather
How's my father
Am I lonely heavens no
Mother mother
Are you listening
Just a phone call to ease your mind
Life is perfect
Never better
Distance making the heart grow blind

When you sent me off to see the world
Were you scared that I might get hurt
Would I try a little tobacco
Would I keep on hiking up my skirt

I'm hungry
I'm dirty
I'm losing my mind
Everything's fine

I'm freezing
I'm starving
I'm bleeding to death
Everything's fine

Yeah, I'm working
Making money
I'm just starting to build a name
I can feel it
Around the corner
I could make it any day

Mother mother
Can you hear me
Yeah I'm sober sure I'm sane
Life is perfect
Never better
Still your daughter still the same

If I tell you what you want to hear
Will it help you to sleep well at night
Are you sure that I'm your perfect dear
Now just cuddle up and sleep tight

I'm hungry
I'm dirty
I'm losing my mind
Everything's fine

I'm freezing
I'm starving
I'm bleeding to death
Everything's fine

I miss you
I love you

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