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Peter Killed The Dragon

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 17.07.2012

Peter killed the dragon and he did it with his bare hands
Peter killed the dragon and he did it with his bare hands
Paul killed the dragon and he did it with his bare hands.

Eight miles high, saw you wearing a royal blue shirt
Eight miles high, saw you wearing a royal blue shirt
Hiding in a hole in the blue from the world of hurt.

Well Mississippi mighty, oh and it's eight miles wide
Mississippi mighty, oh and it's eight miles wide
Standing on the edge, I saw your face from the other side.

And even on the phone, you're eight hours from my time
Even on the phone, you're eight hours from my time
Wish I could hold you in my arms like I hold you in my mind.

Cuz I'm standing on the rooftops wondering if it's true
I'm looking over rooftops, hoping that it ain't true
God can give or take away?€”well who would make such an awful rule?
God can give or take away?€”well who would make such an awful rule?

Well Peter killed the dragon and he did it with his bare hands
Peter killed the dragon and he did it with his bare hands
Paul killed the dragon and he did it with his bare hands.

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