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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 10.08.2012

I find shelter in this way
Under cover, hide away
Can you hear when I say
I have never felt this way

Maybe I had said something that was wrong
Can I make it better with the lights turned on
Maybe I had said something that was wrong
Can I make it better with the lights turned on

Could I be, was I there
It felt so crystal in the air
I still want to drown whenever you leave
Please teach me gently how to breathe

And I'll cross oceans like never before

So you can feel the way I feel it too
And I'll mirror images back at you
So you can see the way I feel it too

Maybe I had said something that was wrong
Can I make it better with the lights turned on
Maybe I had said something that was wrong
Can I make it better with the lights turned on

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