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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 25.06.2012

Sitting by the bed side
Held his hand and kissed his face
Then he closed his eyes and I watched him slip away
Seems like only yesterday
He was young as I am now
But soon “now” will be the past
Yeah, time is turning fast
I want to live, I want to love
Like one more day is
Never too much and never enough
I want to drink in every minute that I can
Cause life is a vapor
Fire and paper
Gonna make the most of it
Before it’s gone
When I lay my head down at the end of another day
Did I keep it all to myself
Or did I give my love away?
Did I hold who should’ve been held
So they remember just how that felt?
Did I say what should be said?
Will I wake with no regret?
I want to live, I want to love
Like one more day is
Never too much and never enough
I want to drink in every minute that I can
Cause life is a vapor
Fire and paper
Gonna make the most of it
Before it’s gone
There was a man who walked the land centuries ago
He brought water to the thirsty heart
And food to the hungry soul
He was here only 33 years
But His life changed the world
And He gave up all he had
I want to leave a legacy like that

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[Hook x2] Creeping, with the sawed off In a rage, bo'gaurd blowing niggaz balls off I'm the reaper, touching fellas on they lifeline Ain't no running to the trunk, I got my pistol right



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