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Hope For Now

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 02.08.2012

This highway's dark and empty.
Just miles and miles of endless road.
I've got a sickness pounding in my head.
I'm at the mercy of the ghost.

What will it take to live as if I would not another day?
To live without despair, and to be without disdain.
How can I instill such hope, but be left with none of my own?
What if I could sing just one song and it might save somebody's life?

I sought after, after reasons to stay.
I was lost, I was lost.
Then the sky turned black,
And the rains poured down.
I was waiting, waiting to be found. oh, no.

How can I instill such hope, but be left with none of my own?
What if I could sing just one song and it might save somebody's life?

Then I would sing all that I could sing
Cause that is when, when I feel that I'm not just counting time.
Oh when I sing all that I can sing
Maybe just for a moment things would seem all right.
Oh when I sing, oh when I sing
Oh when I sing, oh when I sing

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