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Under Control

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 18.07.2012

Let's sit down in the sand
And watch summer go
Are we here for goodbye?
Nobody knows
Does the medicine work
Does it take you away
I will always be
As close as you are to me
I'm gonna wait `til the sun goes down
Not quite sure if it's still around

Everything's under control
Except my heart and my soul
My mind doesn't work
How could I move
I don't know where to turn
I just started to burn
So please stay with me
Here by the sea

And it makes me feel cold
What tomorrow will bring
And it scares me so far
The way that we are
I will come here for years
And walk down this way
Which brought us so near
To this very day
Through the shades I touch your smile
Let's get lost here for a while

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