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The Aftermoon

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 14.08.2012

do you remember the first time
i remember well
it was a day in late june
and it was like the first rhyme
of this simple tune
it’s called aftermoon

we made a deal that
we‘d always stay young together
but now i’m old and couldn‘t stand the pain
if i’d lose you again

it won’t feel like the first time
it won’t feel like that again
but if you want me then we‘ll find
a way to make love remain
i‘ll try to explain

do you remember the first place
no cheap hotel
you just blew me away
i was falling from your grace
though we started well
but got lost on the way

we made a deal that
we’ll never grow up together
but now i’m old and couldn‘t stand the pain
if i’d lose you again

it won’t feel like the first time
it won’t feel like that again
but if you want me then we‘ll find
a way to make love remain
if we get through the pain

we need to get through the pain

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