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How I Roll

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 02.11.2012

Burn it all down
Need to buy another round
Tell to loud up the sound of the speaker
Knee socks
Put tequila on the rocks
Till you make your body pops to the speaker

Burn it all down
Need to buy another round
Tell to loud up the sound of the speaker
Show your knee socks
Put tequila on the rocks
Till you make your body pops to the speaker


(I wanna go) Downtown where my posses at
(Because I got) nine lives like a kitty kat
(You wanna roll, that’s how I roll)
(I wanna go) ding ding when I hear that bass
(I’m not a douse) my finger if you wanna taste
(You better know, that’s how I roll)

[Britney Spears - Verse 2]

Feel the earthquake
Gonna make your body shake
Till the sick starts to break in the speaker
Can we get flaw
Helicopter in the sky
Cause we turn it up high to the speaker

If you know what it takes to be my man
We can go make love together
You can be my fuck tonight
We can tear it up tonight


(I wanna go) downtown where my posses at
(Because I got) nine lives like a kitty kat
(You wanna roll, that’s how I roll)
(I wanna go) ding-ding when I hear that bass
(I’m not a douse) my finger if you wanna taste
(You better know, that’s how I roll)


Shime-shime oh
Shime oh
Shime hey
Got to give them what they want
We could take it all night
Try on tonight
We can tear it up tonight

If you know what it takes to be my man
We can go make love together
You can be my fuck tonight
We can tear it up tonight


(I wanna go) downtown where my posses at
(Because I got) nine lives like a kitty kat
(You wanna roll, that’s how I roll)
(I wanna go) ding-ding when I hear that bass
(I’m not a douse) my finger if you wanna taste
(You better know, that’s how I roll)

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