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Hopeless Happy Song

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 11.09.2012

What is it? Sounds like a hit,
keeps buzzing round my head.
Brings a swing to your hips, a smile to your lips,
but it makes me see red.

It's good when you shop, makes your heart-rate drop,
worries drift away.
You don`t have to listen to the silence,
that's what you really hate.

There's a little melody ringing in my ears,
sounds so peaceful and so sweets, soothes away my fears.
There's a hopeless happy song burrowing in my brain,
it tears my heart to pieces, it's driving me insane.

Can you boogie to the revolution?
Can you shimmy to the holocaust?
Can you tap your toes to your troubles and woes?
Can you join in with the words?

It's unconditional surrender,
it's the bland leading the blind.
It helps you find your way through the dreary day,
but it's making me lose my mind.

There's a little melody ringing in my ears,
sounds so peaceful and so sweets, soothes away my fears.
There's a hopeless happy song burrowing in my brain,
it tears my heart to pieces, it's driving me insane.

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