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Blame It On The Boogie

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 02.07.2012

I've seen the lightning leave me
My baby just can't take
Her eyes off me

Don't blame it on sunshine
Don't blame it on moonlight
Don't blame it on good times
Blame it on the boogie

Don't blame it on sunshine
Don't blame it on moonlight
Don't blame it on good times
Blame it on the boogie

I just can't
I just can't
I just can't control my feet

I just can't
I just can't
I just can't control my feet

I just can't
I just can't
I just can't control my feet

I just can't
I just can't
I just can't control my feet

Don't blame it on sunshine
Don't blame it on moonlight
Don't blame it on good times
Blame it on the boogie

Don't blame it on sunshine
Don't blame it on moonlight
Don't blame it on good times
Blame it on the boogie

The magic music grooves me
The dirty rhythm moves me
The devil's gotten to me
Through his dance

I'm full of funky fever
And fire burns inside me
Boogies got me in a
Super trance

Don't blame it on sunshine
Don't blame it on moonlight
Don't blame it on good times
Blame it on the boogie

Don't blame it on sunshine
Don't blame it on moonlight
Don't blame it on good times
Blame it on the boogie



Don't you blame it - sunshine
You just got to - moonlight
You just want to - goodtimes
Yeah - boogie
Blame it on yourself - sunshine
Ain't nobody's fault - moonlight
But yours and that boogie - goodtimes
Dancin' all night long - boogie

Yours and that boogie - sunshine
Ain't nobody's fault - moonlight
But yours and that boogie - goodtimes
Dancin' all night long - boogie

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