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Don’t Talk About This Love

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 09.08.2012

I'm in so deep
I'm scared to death
It's like I could drown
It's effortless
I feel so juvenile
Emotions going wild

Love is brutal
My Heart is fragile

Please don't talk about this love
The less they know the less they judge
Don't talk about this love to anyone
I don't want the world to know
Until I'm sure that you're the one
Don't talk about this love to anyone

Love is a ghost
I fear to touch
In case I lose my innocence
I feel so insecure
I'm not ready to be sure

Love is brutal
My Heart is fragile

Please don't talk about this love
The less they know the less they judge
Don't talk about this love to anyone
I don't want the world to know
Until I'm sure that you're the one
Don't talk about this love to anyone

Love is brutal
My heart is fragile
My Heart is fragile

Please don't talk about this love
The less they know the less they judge
Don't talk about this love to anyone
I don't want the world to know
Until I'm sure that you're the one
Don't talk about this love to anyone
Don't talk about this love to anyone
To anyone

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