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Don’t Bring Me Down

В рубрике: Тексты песен — 27.09.2012

When you complain, and criticize
I feel I'm nothing in your eyes
It makes me feel like giving up
Because my best just ain't good enough

Girl I want to provide for you
And do all the things you want me to

Oh, oh no, don't bring me down
I'm begin' you darlin'
Oh, oh no, don't bring me down

Sacrifices how we make
I'm ready to give, as well as take
One thing I need is your respect
One thing I can't take is your neglect

Woman anything I need your love
And troubles are easy to rise above

Oh, oh no
Don't bring me down
Oh no, no, no
Oh, oh no
Don't bring me down

You complain, and criticize
I feel I'm nothing in your eyes
It makes me feel like giving up
Because my best just ain't good enough

Girl I want to provide for you
And do all the things you want me to

Oh, oh no, don't bring me down
No, no, no, no, no
I'm Beggin'
Oh, oh no, don't bring me down

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