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В рубрике: Тексты песен — 09.08.2012

Hey Mr. Big Shot

Who you guess you are

Put your assumption

Straight to your... bla bla

Hey Mr. Big Bug

I don't hesitate

Want me to stop

Hah! well its too late

Scream if you want to

Do it like a baby

That's my point so

You can't buy me

(Three, two, one, hah!)

Stand on my own (you got it?)

I make on my own (you got it?)

I fight on my own (you got it?)

So daddy, what's your problem?

Stand on my own (you got it?)

I make on my own (you got it?)

I fight on my own (you got it?)

So daddy, what's your problem?

Hey Mr. Big Shot

Who you guess you are

Put your assumption

Straight to your... bla bla

Hey Mr. Big Bug

I don't hesitate

Want me to stop

Hah! well its too late

Scream if you want to

Do it like a baby

That's my point so

You can't buy me

(Three, two, one, hah!)

Stand on my own (you got it?)

I make on my own (you got it?)

I fight on my own (you got it?)

So daddy, what's your problem?

Stand on my own (you got it?)

I make on my own (you got it?)

I fight on my own (you got it?)

So daddy, what's your problem?

What's your problem?

(you got it?)

(you got it?)

(you got it?)

Stand on my own (you got it?)

I make on my own (you got it?)

I fight on my own (you got it?)

So daddy, what's your problem?

Stand on my own (you got it?)

I make on my own (you got it?)

I fight on my own (you got it?)

So daddy, what's your problem?

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